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HomeCovid 19 Past Policy

COVID-19 Statement

Due to the COVID-19 restrictions, the Club is open with limitations as advised by local and Ontario health departments, as well as Ontario Sailing. In particular, as of May 22, 2021, members can enter the property and launch the boats. Details have been communicated to members by email.

Over time and in accordance with Ontario’s reopening framework, our facility will open gradually. For the time being, the COVID protocols developed for 2020 stay in effect. Please see our COVID-19 protocols below for detailed procedures and requirements before visiting the club.

In particular, we plan to hold our youth sailing camp and adult lessons this summer with appropriate COVID-19 protocols. Should changes be required, we will let all affected registrants know as soon as possible. We will allow registrants to switch to a different session or, if accommodations cannot be made, fully refund any fees paid.

Sanitation and Physical Distancing Protocol

Procedures and requirements in place to ensure that we may safely access the Club with minimal risk associated with COVID-19 disease outbreak.

June 5th, 2020

Updated: July 31 2020


The procedures and requirements are minimum obligations and everyone accessing the Club must act responsibly and in accordance with them.

Anyone who comes to the Club must recognize that collectively we are doing our best, but the club cannot be held liable should anyone become sick due with COVID-19 or a related illness, after coming to the Club.

We do consult with Ontario Sailing to come up with these guidelines and we strive to ensure that they are in line with their advice and Orders and Regulations set by Province of Ontario.

Before coming to the Club property, everyone must first read this document and must be willing to fully abide by its provisions.


  1. A person may not, under any circumstances, come to the Club if he/she has any symptoms of COVID-19 or, if he/she lives with a person who has such symptoms.
  2. Members are entitled to bring their Family Members and one helper/guest or contractor.
  3. A limit on the number of Members permitted on the Club property is not set. Indeed, we believe that there is enough space for everybody, even though physical distancing is mandatory (see Part 2).
  4. In the remote case that the Club premises will be too crowded, the last Members arriving at the Club should consider to voluntarily refrain from entering the Club premises.
  5. Every Member, helper/guest and contractor are to provide their own:
  6. At a member’s discretion, it is also suggested that they provide their own:
    • TOOLS (and electric cord), if needed,
    • FOOD and BEVERAGE, if necessary.
  7. The club is providing 4 sanitation stations near the downstairs club house entrance, the boat shed, the boat park and at the top of dock/ramp into the water.


  1. The 3 most basic requirements that everyone must respect when at the Club are:
    • To maintain 2 metres/6 feet distance from each other.
    • To wash hands frequently and thoroughly (minimum 20 seconds with soap and water) or use hand sanitizer.
    • To wear a mask or face covering over the nose and mouth when it is difficult or unavoidable to maintain physical distancing (2 meters/6 feet or less). See also Part 3 below.
  2. Club washrooms and changing rooms may be used only by one person or one Family at the time.
    • Door must be kept open to indicate that the washroom is free.
    • Premises must be kept clean and tidy, by the users, at all times.
  3. Club Kitchen and the use of the refrigerator, cutlery and utensils and barbecues are permitted. Only one person or family groups can be in the kitchen or be at a barbecue at a time. Cutlery and utensils must be washed before use and washed, dried and put away after use.
  4. Members are expected to clean and sanitize the picnic tables before and after they use them.
  5. Members are to bring back home their own waste and garbage.


  1. Every boat-owner is responsible to ensure that all persons helping him/her to repair, prepare or move the boat adheres to these directives.
  2. It is mandatory to wash hands before and after using Club tools.
  3. If two boats are close together, less than 2 meters/6 feet apart, and if the corresponding owners are working on these two boats at the same time, wearing a mask is mandatory given the accidental critical proximity between people is unavoidable.
  4. If Members, contractors, guests of helpers are working on club boats, they must sanitize the area of the boat that they have been working on, at the end of the day’s working period.
  5. When a person is inside his/her boat, the rule to wear the mask is a matter of personal decision.


When a person is inside his/her boat, the rule to wear the mask is a matter of personal decision.


Sailing School Captain will develop the rules pertaining to the sailing camp, and will post them as part of this document or on the website


  1. Using the club boats is permitted under the following conditions
  2. To wash and sanitize hands before and after using a Club Boat.
  3. Only one person is allowed in the Sail Shed at a time.
  4. After using a Club Boat, to wipe down all parts that come normally in contact with the hands, such as:
    1. tiller
    2. boat surfaces

    3. sheets and halyards

    4. dolly handle

    5. others


  1. All Members shall comply with these directives with civility and politeness to others.
  2. Should a Member observe that another person at the Club is not acting according to this protocol, it is acceptable to politely and respectfully ask that person to conform to this protocol.
  3. Should the issue not be resolved, we ask the Member to communicate with the Commodore.


  1. Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the Commodore.
  2. Please, contact the Commodore if you have constructive suggestions to assist the Club coming through these unusual times.
  3. The Club may post other directives on notice boards at the Club or on the website. Please look out for, read and respect them. 

Prepared by: Fernando de Martino.   Approved by the Board of Directors: Commodore, Jan d’Ailly; Vice Commodore, Dave Morgan; Sailing School Captain, Bruce Alexander; Shore Captain, Stephen Mercer; Fleet Captain, Graham Moogk-Soulis; Race Captain, Dave Meijer; Media Captain, David von Wahl; Treasurer, Mark Dineen. June 5th, 2020.

Updated by Jan, June 13, 2020.

Updated by Jan, July 31, 2020

City of Waterloo
City of Kitchener
Ontario Sailing